



  1. 珍惜时光的英语句子200句
  2. 珍惜幸福英文句子
  3. 简短精辟的英文语录人生格言句子


〖One〗、Time and tide waits for no man.岁月不等人.

〖Two〗、It's never too late to learn.活到老,学到老

〖Three〗、If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.

〖Four〗、Pearl Buck, American female writer想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。

〖Five〗、In delay there lies no plenty, Then come kiss me,sweet and twenty, Youth's a stuff that will not endure.

〖Six〗、Willian Shakespeare, British dramatist迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。

〖Seven〗、Time tries all things.时间检验一切

〖Eight〗、Time is the father of truth.时间是真理之父Times change时代正在改变

〖Nine〗、Time is money时间就是金钱;一寸光阴一寸金

〖Ten〗、Time undermines us光阴暗中催人才

1〖One〗、Take time by the forelock把握近来的时机

1〖Two〗、Tomorrow never comes明天无尽头,明日何其多

1〖Three〗、Time and tide wait for no man岁月不待人

1〖Four〗、Time cannot be won again时间一去不再来

1〖Five〗、Time lost can not be recalled光阴一去不复返

1〖Six〗、Time is the father of truth时间是真理之父

1〖Seven〗、Time works great changes时间可以产生巨大的变化

1〖Eight〗、Time reveals(discloses) all things万事日久自明

1〖Nine〗、There is no time like the present现在正是时候

20、Time stays not the fool's leisure时间不等闲逛的傻瓜

2〖One〗、Time and I against any two和时间携起手来,一人抵两人

2〖Two〗、Time works wonders时间可以创造奇迹或时间的效力不可思议

2〖Three〗、To choose time is to save time选取时间就是节省时间

2〖Four〗、Procrastination is the thief of time拖延为时间之窃贼

2〖Five〗、Time tries friends as fire tries gold时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金

2〖Six〗、Time and chance reveal all secrets时间与机会能提示一切秘密

2〖Seven〗、Time brings the truth to light时间使真相大白。或时间一到,真理自明。

2〖Eight〗、Time is a file that wears and makes no noise光阴如锉,细磨无声

2〖Nine〗、Time flies like an arrow and time lost never returns光阴似箭,一去不返

30、Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today今日事,今日毕

3〖One〗、One of these days is none of these days拖延时日,终难实现。或:改天改天,不知哪天

3〖Two〗、Time is, time was, and time is past现在有时间,过去有时间,时间一去不复返

3〖Three〗、Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost消磨于恶习或愚行的时间是加倍的损失

3〖Four〗、What may be done at any time will be done at no time常将今日推明日,推到后来无踪迹

3〖Five〗、Time consecrates: what is gray with age



Happiness is the pursuit of everyone's life, everyone longs for happiness, they think that to live a relaxed and happy life is happiness. In fact, happiness is to satisfy, to satisfy everything, you will always be happy.


Cherish fortune, cherish fortune, cherish things, cherish words, each heart is a heart, that heart will know what scenery can abandon the"heart" in every square inch beeen everyone, a*** all side, changing thousands of good or sad, all depends on how you live, how you plant, how you receive,*** art you, tell yourself, the choice. How much space to acmodate oneself, to dream of oneself.


Cherish the healthy body left by parents, cherish the people who have paid for you, cherish the feelings of relatives and friends. Only by cherishing the present well, can we grasp the happiness of tomorrow.


Cherish all the people around you, cherish the people who love you, cherish the people who acpany you all the time, cherish every fate, cherish every encounter on the road of life. As long as the heart to experience, life will have more harvest.


A truly happy person does not necessarily have a lot of wealth, as long as his heart is full of love and happiness, then he is a happy person, which can not be exchanged for by any money.


In one's life, there are many happiness around you, just to see if you understand or not to cherish. Cherish, will be happy life, missed, maybe never find back. If you want to be happy, first of all, you must know how to cherish. Only when you know how to cherish, you are the happiest person in the world.


Happiness is a gift to those who know how to cherish life. Everyone longs for happiness. Happiness is not only an attitude towards life, but also a view of life and values. When we are immersed in happiness, we often do not feel it. When we realize that it is happiness, maybe this happiness is no longer owned. So happiness depends on oneself.


People should know how to cherish happiness, cherish the happiness around them, is to cherish the most precious life, because people's life, have to pay a lot of precious things, at that time may be reluctant, but must be exchanged, later may not care, but has been missing, got may be looked down upon, not feel unwilling, always in opposition. Repeatedly lost the heart to wait for nothing, has missed everything, no way to pick up.



〖Two〗、 Life is like playing chess. If you fail in one step, you lose in the whole game.


〖Four〗、 Gain of the calm, loss of the indifferent, let it be, fight for its inevitable.


〖Six〗、 You have to take the simple things seriously, then you will be very painful.


〖Eight〗、 Don't be infatuated with online games. Just play the big game of life.


〖Ten〗、 Although we can't change our life, we can change our outlook on life. Although we can't change the environment, we can change our mood.


1〖Two〗、 Life is a circle. Some people have never walked out of the circle drawn by fate. In fact, every point on the circle has a tangent line to take off.


1〖Four〗、 People's shortcomings are like weeds in the garden. If we don't clear them in time, we will soon occupy the whole garden.


1〖Six〗、 No matter how great you feel, there will always be someone stronger than you; no matter how unhappy you feel, there will always be someone more unhappy than you.


1〖Eight〗、 When you are happy, you should think that this happiness is not eternal. When you are in pain, you should think that the pain is not eternal.


20、 People will cry all their lives, and laugh later. So sadness is a kind of low-level instinct, and happiness is a kind of higher-level ability.


2〖Two〗、 Adversity is a necessary process for growth. People who are brave enough to accept adversity will grow stronger and stronger.


2〖Four〗、 Would rather have done regret, do not miss regret.


2〖Six〗、 Life is like a clock, you can go back to the beginning, but it is not yesterday!


2〖Eight〗、 The fear in our hearts is always greater than the real danger.


30、 The reason why people suffer is to pursue the wrong things.


3〖Two〗、 Those who create opportunities are brave, and those who wait for opportunities are fools.


3〖Four〗、 If we have happy thoughts, we will be happy; if we have miserable thoughts, we will be miserable.


3〖Six〗、 What we learn is exercise, what we can't learn is exercise.

3〖Seven〗、 Persistence is the hardest, but the most fruitful.


3〖Nine〗、 Life is like a zoo. When you think you're watching other people playing monkeys, you don't know that you're one of them!


4〖One〗、 If we all do what we can, we will surprise ourselves.


4〖Three〗、 Two people share one pain but only half pain. Two people share one joy but two joy.


4〖Five〗、 Action does not necessarily bring happiness, but without action there is no happiness.


4〖Seven〗、 When necessary, we need to bend and turn. Because it is too strong and easy to break, we need more softness to overcome setbacks.


4〖Nine〗、 Don't waste your life where you will regret it.


5〖One〗、 Don't punish yourself for the mistakes of villains, and don't waste your precious time tormenting and wasting on these trivial things.


5〖Three〗、 Positive people see an opportunity in every crisis, while negative people see a certain kind of crisis in every opportunity.


5〖Five〗、 The names of onlookers will never climb the scoreboard of the game.


5〖Seven〗、 Looking for hope from despair, life will be brilliant.


5〖Nine〗、 Only when you learn to return your achievements to zero, can you make room to accept more new things, so that you can constantly surpass yourself.


6〖One〗、 What should be given up is helplessness, what should not be given up is incompetence, what should not be given up is ignorance, what should not be given up is perseverance!

6〖Two〗、 Time does not turn back, the moment is the most important.


6〖Four〗、 Most people want to change the world, but few want to change themselves.


6〖Six〗、 The same bottle, why do you put poison in it? The same psychology, why are you full of troubles?


6〖Eight〗、 Most people often beat their hearts to the opportunities that have been lost, but turn a blind eye to the opportunities in front of them.


70、 Passion, this is the wind full of sails. The wind sometimes breaks the sails, but without it, a sailboat cannot sail.


7〖Two〗、 Heaven rewards diligence. Maybe you don't get paid if you give, but you don't get paid if you don't.


7〖Four〗、 There is always a way out. It's hard to stay at home.


7〖Six〗、 If you think you're still young and you can waste time, you'll end up with nothing and sigh.


7〖Eight〗、 Can also be impulsive, that you still have passion for life, always impulsive, that you do not understand life.


80、 You can have nothing, but you can't have nothing.


8〖Two〗、 In the face of difficulties, pessimists often only see the negative side of things.


8〖Four〗、 The wise man uses his supreme mind and hands to open up a unique sky for himself and build a stage of life.


8〖Six〗、 No matter when you start, it's important not to stop after you start; no matter when you end, it's important not to regret after you end.


8〖Eight〗、 To live a day is to have good fortune, so we should cherish it. When I cry I have no shoes on, I find someone without feet.


90、 Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy to be covered by habits, blurred by time, and consumed by inertia.


9〖Two〗、 Those who live yesterday lose their past, those who live tomorrow lose their future, and those who live today have their past and future.


9〖Four〗、 It's not difficult to make a decision. What's difficult is to put it into action and stick to it.


9〖Six〗、 Try to build a solid foundation of bricks that others have photographed, and life will not be so hard.


9〖Eight〗、 The secret to getting things done is action. The way to success is to think systematically and then act! Get some action! Get some action!


100、 The key to success is to believe that you have the ability to succeed.


10〖Two〗、 Thank those who hurt you for honing your mind; thank those who deceive you for improving your wisdom; thank those who hurt you for honing your personality; thank those who flog you for inspiring your fighting spirit; thank those who abandoned you for teaching you to be independent; thank those who tripped you for strengthening your ability; thank you Reprimand your people because they remind you of your shortcomings. With a grateful heart, appreciate all the people who make you grow!


10〖Four〗、 Dripping water wears away stone not by force, but by day and night.


10〖Six〗、 If you can find your own shortcomings as accurately as others, your life will be extraordinary.


10〖Eight〗、 Time is a master of mental trauma, but it is not a master of problem solving.


1〖Ten〗、 To be beautiful is an advantage, to live beautiful is a skill.


11〖Two〗、 People can live happily, but we choose complexity and sigh!


11〖Four〗、 On the way to realize the ideal, we must get rid of all interferences, especially to see the beautiful temptations.

11〖Five〗、 Discipline yourself and don't mind others.


11〖Seven〗、 Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and procrastination will continue to nourish fear.


11〖Nine〗、 Fault is temporary regret, but missing is forever regret!


12〖One〗、 Life is a one-way street without a return. God won't give you a return ticket.


12〖Three〗、 Life is a journey. What we care about is not the destination, but the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery.


12〖Five〗、 People who think they have wealth are actually owned by wealth.


12〖Seven〗、 You should not always be dissatisfied with others, you should always review yourself.


12〖Nine〗、 A cup of clear water becomes dirty by dropping a drop of sewage, but a cup of sewage will not become clear by the existence of a drop of clear water.


13〖One〗、 You see the people around you as the devil, and you live in hell; you see the people around you as angels, and you live in heaven.


13〖Three〗、 When the mind is turned, all thoughts are turned; when the mind is turned, all roads are turned.


13〖Five〗、 Fate is in charge of shuffling, but it's us who play!


13〖Seven〗、 It's not so much that others make you miserable as that you don't have enough self-cultivation.


13〖Nine〗、 Hope for the best and plan for the worst.


14〖One〗、 Difficulty is a hard stone. It is a stumbling block for the weak and a stepping stone for the strong.


14〖Three〗、 Carrying the pain of the past, mixed with the troubles of the reality, is of no benefit to the mind.


14〖Five〗、 Only by breaking through psychological barriers can we surpass ourselves. Selected from: mingyan(..)


14〖Seven〗、 Destiny is in your own hands. Either you control life, or life controls you. Your mind determines whether you are a horse or a rider.


14〖Nine〗、 Courage is the control of fear, not the absence of fear.


15〖One〗、 The biggest sorrow in life is not to lose too much, but to care too much, which is also an important reason for one's unhappiness.


15〖Three〗、 To be envious of others will not add any benefits to oneself. To be envious of others will not reduce their achievements.


15〖Five〗、 Don't trade health for money just because you are young. When you are old, you will understand that money can't trade for health.


15〖Seven〗、 The environment will not change. The solution is to change yourself.


15〖Nine〗、 Smile to life, can perate the fog;*** ile to life, can persist in the end;*** ile to life, can resolve the crisis;*** ile to life, can illuminate the darkness.


16〖One〗、 Luck is the chance to bump into your efforts.


16〖Three〗、 To endure the pain that others can't bear, to eat the pain that others can't, is to reap the harvest that they can't get.


16〖Five〗、 No matter how long the road is, you can walk step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't get there without your feet.


16〖Seven〗、 If you don't worry about yourself, others will never worry about you. All the troubles are created by your own heart.


16〖Nine〗、 You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood. You can't change your looks, but you can control yourself. You can't foresee tomorrow, but you can cherish today.


17〖One〗、 We are always too polite to strangers and too harsh to close people.


17〖Three〗、 More distraction to pay attention to others, less distraction to reflect on themselves.


17〖Five〗、 Fate is like the palm print of one's own. Though it is crooked, it is always in one's own hands.


17〖Seven〗、 A lazy boy will be a ragged old man in the future.


17〖Nine〗、 Treat every day of life as the last day of life, life will be more wonderful.


18〖One〗、 Only those who keep looking for opportunities will seize them in time.


18〖Three〗、 The fool complains, the incompetent sighs, the weak Confucians give up.


18〖Five〗、 Give up who can, do not give up their own!


18〖Seven〗、 A person's life is like an article, which can be improved only after careful revision. Excerpt from: reading Quotes


18〖Nine〗、 The biggest enemy of life is oneself; the biggest failure of life is arrogance; the biggest stupidity of life is deception; the biggest tragedy of life is jealousy; the biggest mistake of life is inferiority; the biggest shame of life is flattery; the biggest danger of life is greed; the biggest bankruptcy of life is despair; the biggest debt of life is emotional debt; the biggest wealth of life is health; the biggest happiness of life Happiness is contentment; the greatest joy in life is giving; the greatest gift in life is forgiveness; the greatest regret in life is missing; the greatest trouble in life is striving for fame and wealth; the greatest sin in life is self deception.


19〖One〗、 The biggest mistake in life is to keep worrying about making mistakes.


19〖Three〗、 Time is a thief. When he comes, he is silent. When he leaves, he loses a lot. So is the opportunity.


19〖Five〗、 Anyone who believes in his ability can do anything.


19〖Seven〗、 Life is a mirror. When you laugh at it, it*** iles at you; when you cry at it, it cries at you.




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